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Dropy z boxov



 Golden Box

Pet Rudolf - [20%]

Demon - [20%]

Spirit of Guardian - [20%]

Pet Unicorn - [20%]

Talisman of Chaos Assembly - [10%]

Talisman of Luck - [10%]


Silver Box

Pet Rudolf - [25%]

Demon - [20%]

Spirit of Guardian - [20%]

Pet Unicorn - [25%]

Talisman of Chaos Assembly - [5%]

Talisman of Luck - [5%]


Box of Luck

V príprave!


Silver Medal

Jewel of Chaos, Life, Bless, Soul - [25%+25%+25%+25%]


Gold Medal

Zbraňe všetkých charakterov (stredná trieda)

Štíty všetkých charakterov (stredná trieda)

Sety všetkých charakterov (stredná trieda)

Jewel (Bless, Soul, Chaos) - [5%]


Box of Heaven

Jewel of Chaos, Bless, Soul - [20%+20%+20%]

Jewel of Creation - [7%]

Rena - [10%]

Imp - [5%]

Guardian Angel - [5%]

Horn of Uniria- [5%]

Demon - [3%]

Spirit of Guardian - [3%]

Loch's Feather - [1%]

Monarch's Crest - [1%]


Heart of Love

Zbraňe všetkých charakterov (slabá trieda)

Štíty všetkých charakterov (slabá trieda)

Sety všetkých charakterov (slabá trieda)

Jewel (Bless, Soul, Chaos) - [5%]


Pumpkin of Luck

Jack O'Lantern Buffs (30min) - [90%]

Jewel of Bless - [10%]


Box of Kundun +1

Kriss, Short Sword, Rapier, Katana, Sword of Assassin, Gladius, Falchion (Swordy)

Small Axe, Hand Axe, Double Axe, Tomahawk, ElvenAxe (Axe)

Mace, Morning Star, Flair (Mace)

Dragon Lance, Double Poleaxe, Halberd (Spears)

Short Bow, Bow, Battle Bow, Golden Crossbow, Arquebus, Crossbow (Luky a kuše)

Skull Staff, Angelic Staff (Staff)

Small Shield, Horn Shield, Kite Shield, Elven Shield, Buckler (Štíty)

Pad set, Leather set, Vine set (Sety)


Box of Kundun +2

Serpent Sword, Blade, Salamander, Light Saber (Swordy)

Battle Axe, Nikea Axe (Axe)

Spear, Giant Trident (Spears)

Tiger Bow, Light Crossbow (Luky a kuše)

Serpent Staff, Thunder Staff, Mystery Stick (Staff)

Spiked Shield, Dragon Slayer Shield, Plate Shield, Large Round Shield (Štíty)

Bone set, Sphinx set, Silk set, Wind set, Spirit set, Bronze set, Brass set, Scale set, Violent Wind set (Sety)                                      


Box of Kundun +3

Lighting Sword, Double Blade, Heliacal Sword, Giant Sword, Sacred Glove (Swordy+Glove)

Larkan Axe, Crescent Axe (Axe)

Battle Scepter, Crystal Morning Stars (Scepter+Mace)

Berdysh, Serpent Spear, Great Scythe (Spears)

Legendary Staff, Gorgon Staff, Thunder Staff, Violent Wind Stick, Red Wing Stick, Book of Samut (Staff+Book)

Tower Shield, Serpent Shield (Štíty)

Legendary set, Guardian set, Light Plate set, Plat set, Dragon set, Red Wing set (Sety)

Ring of Ice, Ring of Poison, Ring of Fire, Ring of Wind, Ring of Magic, Pendant of Lighting, Pendant of Fire,

Pendant of Ice, Pendant of Wind, Pendant of Water, Pendant of Ability (Ringy+Pendanty)


Box of Kundun +4

Sword of Destruction, Holy Storm Claw, Ancient Stick (Swordy+Stick)

Master Scepter, Great Scepter (Scepter)

Bill of Balrog (Spear)

Celestial Bow, Saint Crossbow, Bluewing Crossbow (Luky+Kuše)

Staff of Resurrection, Staff of Destruction, Ancient Stick, Book of Neil (Staff+Book)

Bronze Shield, Dragon Shield, Legendary Shield, Elemental Shield (Štíty)

Eclipse set, Ahcrow set, Iris set, Valiant set, Glorius set, Adamantine set, Ancient set, Sacred Fire set, Grand Soul set, Black Dragon set, Divine set, Dark Steel set, Demonic set, Storm Crow set (Sety)


Box of Kundun +5

Dark Breaker, Thunder Blade, Rune Blade, Piercing Glove, Knight Blade (Swordy+Glove)

Lord Scepter, Shining Scepter (Scepter)

Dragon Spear (Spear)

Great Reign Crossbow, Albatross bow (Luk+Kuša)

Kundun Staff, Dragon Soul Staff, Storm Blitz Stick, Raven Stick, Platina Staff (Staff+Stick)

Grand Soul Shield, Cross Shield (Štíty)

Dark Soul set, Thunder set, Dark Master set, Great Dragon set, Red Spirit set, Storm Jahad set, Hurricane set,

Demonic set (Sety)

Zveřejněno 31-03-2024